Monday, 14 January 2008

Quiz Me

I must admit that Facebook is becoming an addiction for me. Every chance I get on the net, I will want to check if anyone has added new apps or if anyone has given me Hatching Eggs, Growing Gifts or Ice Creams.

I also kind of notice that there are a growing number of quiz to determine who you are, like

Who you are in your past life?
Are you going to be a Millionaire?
What kind of a lover are you?

Can these self-discovery quizzes be a determining factor to the person who takes them? Example, if I were to take the quiz," Are you going to be a Millionaire?" and found out that I am not going to be one, that would in some way discourage me on my venture to be one. Because, some 10 questions quiz from so called expert psychology said so!

How does these results impact ones outlook on his or her life?

Whether online of offline, these desire to know the destination affects our lives.

As the saying "It is not about the destination. It is about the Journey."

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