Sunday, 3 February 2008

What is Mission and Vision

I just returned from T Harv Eker's Life Directions last weekend.

The 3 days seminar was about finding my life purpose. In the past, I have been taught about writing corporate Mission and Vision but never quite like this. Never quite like how the tools and questions that provoked me while writing my personal mission and vision statement.

What I learned was, a Mission is what I would like to dedicate my life to. It is a cause that is beyond my lifetime. It could be small, it could be big. But it resonates with me and without the need for other's approvals.

A Vision is an accomplishment that I obtained and achieve for the Mission. Visions are planned periodically 3-5 years, 10 years etc. And the juicy point that I learned, Visions are vehicles for my mission. I can have multiple visions that are in line with my mission. That point sets me free. I felt a whole lot better now. I can have and pursue many opportunities that is in line with my personal mission and current vision.

Am I ready to live my Mission and make a difference?


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